Accu-Shape Die Cutting
Since 1998, Accu-Shape Die Cutting has been one of Michigan’s most diverse die cutters, known for being able to cut almost any material that is non-metallic and non-hazardous. In today’s competitive market, Accu-Shape is consistently looking for innovative ways to cut costs by efficiently utilizing their resources, and by reducing waste.
With a uniquely-lit facility in the die cutting industry, Accu-Shape partnered with CGE Energy to upgrade their interior lighting with energy efficient LED lights. Even though this was CGE’s second lighting upgrade of the 45,000 square foot facility, the CGE engineering team was able to maintain previous light levels, but cut the number of necessary fixtures in half. Tracking the results, Accu-Shape has already seen a 51% average reduction in their energy usage each month.
With the CGE Sustain program, Accu-Shape was able to implement these energy efficiency upgrades with immediate positive cash flow, and no up-front costs. All maintenance and ongoing repairs of the lighting system are included in the program. This preventative maintenance and proper disposal of replaced bulbs helps Accu-Shape maintain their ISO 9001 standards.
Energy Saving Results
Having $0 invested with CGE Sustain, Accu-Shape Die Cutting was able to turn wasted energy expenses into increased profitability of $44,846 over the course of 8 years. With no upfront cost, Accu-Shape’s utility bill is reduced each month, and energy savings fully pay for the Sustain program. Excess savings can be capitalized to purchase additional die cutting equipment, and maintain an environmentally friendly facility.
Accu-Shape Die Cutting strives to make every effort to limit its environmental footprint. From utilizing the recycled rubber from old tires in their die cut products to sending their waste stream back for recycling, the CGE Sustain program further empowers them to achieve their goals.
“Saying there is no capital cost investment is an automatic win for us. [With the Sustain program] we get lower costs on our electricity every month.”
- Joe Brooks, General Manager/COO
Accu-Shape’s Success Story
Business Segment(s)

$0 Upfront Cost
8-Year Increased Profitability