Technologies: High-Efficiency Water
High-Efficiency Water
Commercial facilities like hotels, hospitals, schools, and more use significant quantities of water in restrooms, kitchens, landscaping, cooling systems, washing, and other purposes. The experts at CGE Energy can apply water-efficient upgrades across a wide range of facilities with varying water needs.

Save Water, Save Money
There are numerous retrofits and upgrades available for the equipment and fixtures within many facilities. The most common water efficiency measures include changes such as aerated faucets, low-flush toilets, installing rainwater collection systems, upgraded landscape irrigation, and switching cooling towers to closed-loop systems.

Faucet Savings
Faucet upgrades can range from a simple aerator to an automated, self-closing faucet. Water savings of up to 85% can be achieved.

Restroom Savings
High-efficiency toilets flush up to 60% less water than standard toilets, and have increased flush performance.

Smaller Sewer Bills
Water saving features also translates into lower sewer bills, because the city determines sewer rates based on water consumption.

Save Energy Too
It takes a lot of energy to deliver and treat the water your facility uses. By using less water, you also will use less electricity.

Get High-Efficiency Water at your Facility
CGE Energy offers highly efficient water upgrades through direct sales, financing, or as part of the CGE Sustain Program if applicable. CGE Sustain allows you to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades to your facility with immediate positive cash flow, and no upfront cost.Learn More about CGE Sustain.
Comprehensive Energy Projects
High-efficiency water can make a huge impact on your utility bills. With our Sustain program, you can revitalize your facility’s infrastructure, and generate power onsite. All of this is possible with no capital expenditure! Rather than installing one capital project at a time, you have the opportunity to implement a comprehensive project that impacts your entire building.
Schedule our team to perform an initial walk-through of your existing infrastructure (electrical, natural gas, water) and discover the opportunities for energy savings that exist.
Want to know more about high-efficiency water? Let’s talk.